Why am I receiving "error writing campaign file" when finalizing a campaign?

Occasionally when converting actionable reports to campaigns you may receive an "error writing campaign file" message when finalizing the campaign:

This error usually occurs when there is an additional pipe character (|) in the file being used to create the campaign.

The easiest way to find the record(s) causing the error to run the report using the same criteria and instead of choosing "Convert to Campaign", click the blue "Export Data" button and select  "CSV Export" or "Excel Export", depending on the option available.

Open the exported data file and do a Find function (Ctrl + F) for the pipe character:

Once you know which customer has the pipe character, there are a couple of options you can take:

1. Update the customer(s)/member(s) record(s) in your core. After the next successful core import, the customer(s)/member(s) will be updated and you can rerun the campaign without errors.*

2. Remove the customer(s)/members(s) with the pipe character in their record from the report by deleting their row from the spreadsheet. Copy the remaining list of customer numbers or account numbers from the spreadsheet and paste them into the Matching Customer Identifier Report or Matching Account Identifier Report and create the campaign. (See: How to Use the Matching Customer/Member Identifier Report)

 *If you continue to receive this error, double check the exported file to ensure all pipe characters have been removed. If you are still having difficulties resolving the error, please contact support@onovative.com


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