In the Admin area of Core iQ is an option labeled Services & Groupings, which houses all the products and service groups that have been mapped from your core. All of the relevant product codes are connected to items within this area, and the options in your Service Groups influence many of the reports and dropdowns in Core iQ. If you realize that a product is incorrectly grouped within your Service Groupings area, it’s simple to add a new Group and associate your ungrouped products.
For this example, we will assume that your Online Bill Pay product has been grouped with all of your other ancillary products in a Service Group called ‘Ancillary Products’. If we wanted to accurately track conversions on an Online Bill Pay offer, we would need to separate that product out into its own group for use in the Offer Pertains to the Following field. To do so, we just need to click on our ‘Ancillary Products’ group, and then go to the Belonging to this Group tab on the left side of the screen. Here you will see a list of all the products being associated with the group ‘Ancillary Products’. To disassociate a product with the group, we only need to uncheck the box next to the product’s name. After clicking Save, we can click the Add New Group button to create our ‘Online Bill Pay’ group.
The first tab in this area is the general information you need to set up your Group. In this case we would want to name our new Group, and then set our Service Type to Ancillary. When we save our Group settings, we can go to the Belong to this Group tab to associate the Online Bill Pay with the new group. It should appear in this area as an option to be added to the Group.
Just like that, you have broken out a product (or multiple products) into a new Service Group that can be tracked individually on Product Offer templates and reports. One thing to be aware of with this process is that it only works with existing, mapped products. If your financial institution adds a new product, with a distinct product code, you will need to have that data feed mapped by our team. See this question to learn how you can map new data into Core iQ.