Within a survey, there are a number of different types of questions that you can create. These include:
- The textbox question type is used to accept any sort of freeform text response from your customers. You can even have the text field validate for an email address or date, so that you can be sure that your survey takers are putting in a correctly formatted response.
- The radio group question type is used to create a multiple choice question where you only want to accept a single response. This is great for asking about someone’s favorite feature on your online banking platform, or the item they are most likely to purchase from your financial institution in the next year. Radio groups are superior to drop-down lists in situations where you want to make all the choices known at once, in order to abstract the decision.
- The drop-down list question type is also used to create a multiple choice question where you only want to accept a single response. It is superior to a radio group in situations where choices follow some sort of order, or where the user doesn’t need to see the rest of the responses to pick their answer. For example, if you wanted your customers to pick their country of origin or choose their gender, then a drop-down list is best. These sorts of choices don’t require the survey taker to know all the options on the list.
- The checkbox list question type is used to create a multiple choice question where survey takers are allowed to choose more than one response. For example, you might want to create a list of features relating to your online banking platform. Then, you could ask survey takers to choose the features that they use more than once a month. Any time you have a multiple choice question where users might choose two or more options, opt for a checkbox question type.
- The rating question type gives your users a rating scale from 0-10, which they can use to express their opinion about a product or likelihood to do something. The rating system is commonly used to gather an opinion on things like new features or a customer’s experience with your overall brand.