When someone leaves your financial institution, it might be important to take care of their Core iQ account. In this case, your best option is usually to Remove/Delete the employee. It's important to know what this does and does not do within Core iQ.
Remove the employee
The simplest option is to completely remove the employee from Core iQ. This will partially wipe out all of their data from the platform and will remove their record from your Employees & Users area. To do so, you will head to your Employee records under the Admin menu, and find the employee in question. Next to their Access Level, you will see a button that says 'Options'. If you click this button, you will have the choice to completely Delete this employee.
Deleting a Banker will remove them from all areas of the platform except:
- Core level assignments to accounts or customers/members (see more HERE).
- Active or Inactive opportunities on which they are attached as Primary Officer or any other role.
- Communication history relating to past items that were sent from that Banker.
- Historical notes and/or metrics relating to past actions by that Banker on communications (reassignments, login history, etc)
You'll be asked to provide a permanent Forwarding Rule for that employee, which will handle all future communications that are queued for that person moving forward. This should keep your communications flow from being interrupted while you change over accounts and members/customers in your core to new Banker assignments.
What if they are a Servicing Branch Manager?
If this employee is designated as a Servicing Branch Manager in Core iQ, then you will need to replace them in order for communications to not be dropped from the system. Navigate to the Branch Network area of Core iQ's Admin menu and find the branch that they are marked as a Branch Manager for. When editing that branch, simply change out the Servicing Branch Manager and click Save.