To change an existing image or logo to something new in a Core iQ email or postcard, simply follow these steps:
- You will want to start by uploading your logo or image to the Template Artwork library for the template you are working on. If you are adding a new logo that hasn't been used before on a Core iQ template, be sure to check our helpful guides found below. These articles include sizing and color guidelines for both emails and print mail. For images, be sure to check out the last link which covers image sizing guidelines.
- After you have your new logo added to the Template Artwork area, grab the specific link for that image by clicking the 'Copy URL' button below the image. This will provide you with a specific link to this image in Core iQ.
- Next, you will want to head back to the template editor for your postcard or email. Find the image or logo that you want to replace and double click the image. This will bring up a modal that has a tab called Image Info, where the first field is URL. Paste your image link in this URL field, write what the image is in the Alternate Text field, and click OK.
You should now see your updated logo or image reflected in the template builder. Click the Save & Preview button to see what the item will look like when it is received by your customer, or send yourself a Proof for Review to see it live in your own email inbox.