If you run into problems with a template or campaign criteria after you have queued items to leave Core iQ, you might want to stop the campaign all together. This is a last resort, but something that some of our customers have to do from time to time. To completely stop a campaign from leaving Core iQ, head to the Outbound Communication Status area to find the upcoming campaign. Once you have found the campaign in this area, you should see that all of your items are either Pending Approval, New, or Approved by Admin. To keep them from leaving Core iQ, you will want to press the 'Clear # Unprocessed' button. This will place all of the items into a state of Removed, which will keep them from leaving the platform. This is a guaranteed way to keep your campaign from sending. As long as you catch the campaign before the initial processing window (30 minutes after queued for most smaller campaigns, 1 hour for larger campaigns), you should be fine.
Future dated campaigns can be found using a future Timeframe such as 'Next 10 Days'. This will change the Outbound Communication Status area so that it only displays items that are queued for a future date. If you queued a campaign to leave Core iQ at a future date, this is one of the only places to find it.
After you have made your requisite changes, you will need to redo your report and Convert to Campaign again. This will queue up your campaign for the audience that you used in the first place, as long as you haven't made any changes to the audience criteria. If you Removed all of your items before queueing this additional campaign, you shouldn't need to do anything else other than approve your items for processing.
If you didn't catch your error in time and certain items were sent from Core iQ, you will see those reflected in the Outbound Communication Status area under the Processed metric. These represent items that were sent from Core iQ during the Timeframe set at the top of this page. If you have items that were sent incorrectly, you can still Remove all of the unprocessed items and then re-queue your campaign. If you have a template exclusion set to not send to customers More Than Once Within a certain number of days, those with previously Processed items will not receive the updated template. You can always remove this restriction on the template to send it again to those with previously Processed items from Core iQ for this template.