If you are currently utilizing our Opportunities module, you might be interested in automating some of the messages that are queueing in Core iQ to these potential customers. Core iQ is able to automate communications to both current and prospective Opportunities using the same interface that you use to create customer schedules. Simply head to the Target Audience and Communications area and create a new audience. After naming your Opportunity audience, choose the "Those who have an active opportunity" option within the Who would you like to be a part of this audience? section. From there, you can create your audience normally, selecting either to target those with active opportunities in one or more of your service groups.
All automation for Opportunity-based audiences is built using one of three potential trigger events:
- Opportunity Creation Date
- Opportunity Modification Date
- Opportunity Estimated Onboarding Date
You can schedule communications to queue in Core iQ a certain number of days after any of these dates in order to automate items in the platform. We typically recommend using the Creation Date or Onboarding Date for each of your opportunities-based triggers since these are less likely to change frequently. You can view the Creation Date for your Opportunities by looking at the table in the Opportunities Console.