In this article, we will be talking about how to merge non-customer (Lead & Prospect) profiles in Core iQ. We will explore the following topics:
- What profiles can be merged in Core iQ.
- What gets merged and/or overwritten when combining two profiles.
- How to merge those profiles and view the final non-customer record.
What profiles can be merged in Core iQ?
Any non-customer record can be merged in Core iQ. This means that if you are viewing a non-customer profile (Leads & Prospects), you should see a section on the right labeled Possible Open Matches. This is the place where you can search for and merge records within Core iQ. If you don't see a merger image to the right of the names in the Possible Open Matches area, that means that you don't have permission to merge records and need to talk to your Core iQ Admin. You will also notice that one merger type isn't possible in Core iQ. You can never merge a Prospect record into a Lead record. This is because it moves down the chain of profile types, which isn't possible in our platform. So while you can always merge a Lead into another Lead, Prospect, or Customer/Member, you can never go down the profile hierarchy the opposite way.
What gets merged and/or overwritten when combining profiles?
When merging two profiles in Core iQ, you will see some helpful color schemes and visual elements that should help you understand the following rules. However, here they are in writing:
When merging a non-customer profile into another non-customer profile, we will always merge in missing data, but will never overwrite existing information within the record you select. This information includes:
- Name fields (FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, FullName)
- Contact Information (Address fields, Email, Phone fields)
- List Associations, if relevant
- Opportunities, if relevant
- Notes
- Communication History
You can see these chosen items highlighted in either green (keep) or red (remove), as well as an example of what the final record will look like in the third column. If your record has List Associations that need to be managed, you will get a second section with the active lists for both profiles, allowing you to manage these lists. Also, if there are Opportunities that need to be merged, you are able to select the status for all Opportunities for both profiles. This allows you to close out any active Opportunities as needed.
When merging a non-customer profile into a customer/member profile, we will never overwrite any core-level data relating to that record. This means that the Name and Contact Info for that record will always come from your core. However, we will merge the following:
- List Associations, if relevant
- Opportunities, if relevant
- Notes
- Communication History
If there is ever any information on a non-customer record that you want to change after a merger, you can do so directly from the profile screen of the final record. These changes will take immediate effect on any campaigns that you are about to queue, allowing you to make necessary changes before a large outbound campaign.
How to merge two profiles
If you have permissions to do so, merging two profiles is extremely simple. Just go to the record that you want to merge into another record and search on the righthand side under Possible Open Matches for the record that you want to merge into. Core iQ will guide you through the merger process using the rules that we have outlined above. Remember, if you do not see the green merger icon in this area, you do not have permission to merge two records in Core iQ. You will need to speak to your Core iQ Admin to be granted this permission.