How to Edit Your Admin-Level Bank Information

Bank & Core Import Setup

This is the area in which you will be able to change the key information about your banking institution. Whether you need to edit the main address for your bank, your call center phone number, or your main contact email, you can do it all from the Bank Info area. These fields will automatically populate within Custom Field areas throughout communications, so changing information here will influence communications across all schedules.
In this area, you will be able to modify settings for your Core Processing System and how relationships will be handled within Core iQ. These settings will be established by Onovative during your implementation phase, but you may need to change something in the following area:
  • Banker Responsible for Relationship
    • Using this setting, you can determine who is listed as being responsible for customer relationships within Core iQ. When a new customer is added to Core iQ, if you are wanting that person to be handled by an Assigned Banker, then choose Account-Level Relationship Officer. If you want the relationship to be handled by a higher CIF level officer, then choose Customer-Level Relationship Officer.
      Please ensure that your data is correctly coded to include the assigned relationship level for this setting.
One of the only areas in this section that you might make modifications to is the Communication Restrictions settings. In this area, you can ensure that you are not over communicating with customers. You can accomplish this by restricting the frequency and timeframe for all items being sent by Core iQ.
  • Global Non-Mandatory Communication Limit
    • Here you can limit the number of communications sent to a given customer over a period of time. This ensures that clients don’t receive multiple offers over the course of a few days. Any restrictions here act on a ‘first in, first out’ rule, where the first communication queued will be the first to go out. That means that if you limit communications to only 2 per week, the first two communications queued in Core iQ during that week will be the only ones to send.
  • Electronic Communications Timing
    • Here you can set the times when emails will be sent to customers. This is a way to ensure that Core iQ is not automatically sending emails during the early hours of the morning when imports typically happen.
These are the global setting for your email communications from Core iQ. You are able to set the default email address for your banking institution, as well as modify the contact information which automatically displays in the footer of all email messages. Emailing Customer Communications is used to change settings for your outbound emails, while Emailing Internal Notices is used for settings that relate to your internal email server. To ensure that your employees are able to receive daily digests from Core iQ, it is important to have the Emailing Internal Notices area correctly configured.
If your banking institution wants to set overall monthly spend limits within Core iQ, this is the place to create those rules. By enabling the Monthly Spend Limits at the top of this area, you can set rules for how much is spent by Core iQ on both electronic and print advertising during the next month. You will be alerted by Core iQ if you are going to overspend during any given month, and you will need to override your spend rules before continuing with the campaign.
This section is extremely important for ensuring that Core iQ correctly populates your brand imagery and colors by default in all communications. By setting your primary and secondary color scheme (using RGB values), logo, and slogan, Core iQ will automatically populate headers and footers to match your brand aesthetic. You are also able to modify your default letterhead within this section, allowing you to more effortlessly send professional looking letters to your customers.
How to Create a Logo for Core iQ in Illustrator
How to Create a Logo for Core iQ in Photoshop

Regions or Markets

In this area, you will be able to create your network of regions for your banking institution. If you don’t operate within different regions, this section does not have to be completed. However, if you do choose to utilize this section, you will be able to assign your individual banking locations to your set regions within the Branch Network area.

Branch Network

Here you will see all of your branch locations listed out. Each branch will have an assigned number which is mapped to your Core data and allows Core iQ to correctly assign new customers and employees. If you need to add or modify a branch location, you can do so within the Branch Info area.

This is where you can set all of the profile information for your individual branch locations. You can set your Branch Manager, address, contact information, Region, and other relevant information in this section. The more information that you are able to include, the more Core iQ can do for you. One of the most important items that is commonly forgotten within this area is the Assigned Branch Manager field. This is the person that Core iQ will default to as the sender of all communications for this branch that do not have an Assigned Banker. If you are attempting to send out an email communication, and a customer at that branch does not have an assigned banker, the Assigned Branch Manager will act as a default. If this is not set within Core iQ, there will not be a sending email address in these situations, and therefore the communication will not be delivered.

Services & Groupings

This section is one of the most important areas within the Admin Area of Core iQ. Here you will be able to add and modify the individual Services that your banking institution offers. During your initial import, we will map the Services that you will start with in Core iQ, but you can always modify that information from this area. These Service Groups will allow you to track a lot of information with the Core iQ system, so correctly configuring them is very important. By utilizing Core iQ’s Services & Groupings, you will be able to accurately track conversions on campaigns, frequency of communications on services, and cross-sell priorities to new and existing customers. These Services will directly influence your template settings as well, as any template marked as a Product Offer will require you to set one of these groups as the relevant Service offering.

Custom Field Definitions

Custom mapped fields can be a powerful tool for your banking institution to use to dynamically offer your customers relevant information. While we will need to assist you with the data mapping of Custom Fields, this area allows you to access what is currently mapped to your instance of Core iQ. You can also modify relevant information such as your social media URLs or mortgage rates, which are dynamically populated within many of our communication templates. If you have data that doesn’t change often or isn’t included within your Core, you can simply create a new definition with that singular value. This is useful when creating a set of interest rates that you want to be able to easily change across multiple communications down the road. Create the custom field here, and use that merge field in all relevant communications to dynamically import the value set in this area.

Report & Communication Exclusions

In this section, you can globally restrict who communications are sent to from your Core iQ system. If, for example, you want to restrict communications to any bank customer under the age of 18, you can do so within this section of your Admin panel. You are also able to exclude certain individuals or groups from your Core iQ reports using Exclusions within this section. The only time that these exclusions will be ignored is when sending a Mandatory Message through Core iQ.


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