How to Make a Phone Call in Core iQ

In this article we will provide a step-by-step guide for how to make phone calls in Core iQ. There are two ways to identify the phone calls assigned to you each day: Daily Digest Emails and the Core iQ homepage.

1. Daily Digest Emails: The daily digest email from Core iQ will include a hyperlink to phone calls assigned to you each day. Simply click on the number listed under “You Have Phone Calls to Make” to see the phone calls assigned to you. In the example below there are 2 phone calls the user needs to make. The number is a link, and if clicked will take the user to the Core iQ platform to see a list of their assigned calls. 

2. Core iQ Homepage:  The Communications Summary is located on the Core iQ homepage. You can view any phone calls assigned to you under the “Calls” section on this page. To view the calls that require action, click the green "2" and it will link you to the Workplan & Communication History page.

The Workplan and Communication History page will display the list of calls assigned to you. You can click on the green hyperlinks under the "Type" heading to open the communication detail. In the example below, the user can click on "Follow up Call – Auto Loan Rates" to see the details of that communication.

The Edit Communication screen consists of two tabs: Customer/Member Review and Make Phone Call. The Customer/Member Review tab displays information to help you/the assigned banker prepare to make a call to the accountholder. 

To make a phone call, click the “Make Phone Call” tab and begin the call. The script will appear in the [Your Message Here] box. 

The "Record the Outcome" section of the Call Guide is where you can record the notes and outcome of the call. For example, you can record whether the accountholder answered the phone, whether you had to leave a voicemail, or if the call recipient was interested in any additional products and services at this time. Once you have added all required notes and outcome information, simply click “Save as Call Completed” to complete the action item. 


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