How to Use the Core iQ Daily Email Digest


In this article, we will be talking about the Daily Email Digest that can be issued from Core iQ for any employee. We will explore the following topics:

  • What is included in the Daily Email Digest
  • How to use the Core iQ Daily Digest

What is included in the Daily Email Digest?

Every employee in Core iQ can be signed up to receive a daily email that tells them what phone calls, emails, print mail, and surveys are going out on their behalf. This email includes information on items that require their oversight, as well as items that are simply leaving the system for them. On this email, you will see a numeric breakout of all the different communications that have either been Processed on your Behalf or those that have been queued for you as a status of New or Pending Approval. You can click on the communication type next to each number to be brought to a pre-filtered list of the communications in Core iQ. This is perfect for quickly getting into Core iQ to approve items that need to be sent, or to complete pending phone calls that have been queued for you.


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