How to Use the Workplan & History Area


In this article, we will be looking at the Workplan & History area of Core iQ. This section of the system allows you to view pending items for you and your employees. We will explore the following topics:

  • How to filter your Core iQ Workplan, including a discussion of status settings
  • How to view the pending and sent communications of your employees


What is the Workplan & History area?

This section of Core iQ is used to understand the status of communications sent out through Core iQ either on your behalf or on the behalf of your employees. If you are a standard Core iQ user, you can view the items that were sent out using your information as well as the items that require your approval. If you are a Core iQ Admin, you can get a holistic view of the communications of any status at either the Bank, Branch, or Employee level. This area is most commonly used to monitor the workflow of different areas within your financial institution in Core iQ. Are phone calls being completed in a timely manner? Are birthday cards getting stuck waiting for approval? Is there a high volume of New communications at one of your branches? All of these items can be analyzed within the Workplan & History area of Core iQ.

How do I filter the Workplan & History results?

Using the Set List Criteria button at the top of the Workplan & History section allows you to filter based on a variety of items. You can use the Scope dropdown to choose whether you want to isolate a specific region, branch, banker, or even a particular template. This will change the options that are available in the Selection field. These filters also allow you to key off of items such as the template type and customer name, giving you added opportunities to segment your results.


What statuses are assigned to communications?

Core iQ will automatically assign a status to each communication within the platform as it progresses from creation to delivery. There are a number of status options within the system and we wanted to outline each item here. In the Workplan & History area, we you will see the following statuses:

Items marked as New are those which have been originated from a template with the Default Status of “New”. These are items that have been queued up on behalf of the Responsible Banker, with the expectation that the Banker will modify them before sending. This status is most commonly seen on phone call scripts within Core iQ, as these items need to be queued up for EACH employee that they are assigned to, rather than just an Admin. You will also see the New status on items that require the Assigned Banker to add in a personalized message or additional details.
Items marked as just Past Due are those that are more than 5 days late in either being modified or approved within Core iQ. These can be items that are assigned to a Responsible Banker, and are most commonly phone calls which have not been completed.
Items found under the New and Past Due status are those that meet the qualifications seen in the previous two descriptions. The status of New and Past Due is simply a combination of the two distinct statuses found previously.
Items marked as Removed are those that have been taken out of the system by an individual user. This could be because they removed the item based on a known customer preference, or it could be because the communication queued for the wrong employee. Items that are Removed from Core iQ will not be sent out and will need to be requeued by a user within the platform.
Items marked as Removed by System are those that have been withdrawn from the processing feed by Core iQ. While this doesn’t happen often, the reasons for a removal can vary greatly. Reasons for a removal might be: exclusions set by your financial institution (age, customer ID, etc.), limits set on the number of times a template can be sent to a customer, or global limits on the number of items sent to any one customer. Removed items can always be requeued by a Core iQ admin, therefore overriding this Removed by System status.
Items marked as Pending Approval are those that are currently waiting for the approval of a Core iQ Admin. These can be items that were recently queued using a default communication status of ‘Pending Approval’, or those that have been sent to an Admin for approval. Once these items are approved by a Core iQ Admin, they will be sent by the system.
Items marked as Reviewed and Rejected are those that were reviewed by a Core iQ Admin or approved user, but were rejected before being processed by the system. This process needs to manually occur on the user level, so it is difficult for us to report as to why a communication was rejected by an Admin or approved user. Reasons for this tend to be similar to those found for Removals. Items which were Rejected can always be added to the queue again by an Admin.
Items marked as Reviewed and Approved are those that have been reviewed by a Core iQ Admin or approved user, and then marked as ‘Approved’ to be processed by Core iQ. While Core iQ has not actually sent these items out yet, they are ready to be sent once the requisite criteria has been met within the platform. They may be waiting for the approved time to send, or they may be on standby before being sent to one of our providers.
Items marked as Processed are those that have been sent out by Core iQ successfully. Whether it is a letter, email, postcard, or survey, if it has been successfully sent out by Core iQ, it will receive a status of Processed. In the case of emails, that does not mean that it was successfully delivered, but it does mean that Core iQ successfully sent it from the system to our third-party provider.
Items marked as Failed Processing are those that were not sent out by Core iQ because of some error. If you choose an individual item within this list, you will be able to see a specific reason for the failure, which comes directly from our providers. Reasons for a failure range from an incorrect address to missing information within your core data. Once these errors have been fixed, you can easily requeue these items to send again.
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