How to Use the Matching Customer/Member Identifier Report


In this How-To, we will learn about the Matching Customer/Member Identifier report and how you can use it to send communications to customers using lists you built outside Core iQ. We will explore the following topics:

  • When and why to use the Matching Customer Identifier report
  • How to pull a Matching Customer Identifier report, including a deep dive into different criteria that you can match on

What is the Matching Customer Identifier Report?

The Matching Customer/Member Identifier report is a catch-all report that is built specifically for feeding in externally built lists of customers for the purposes of sending a marketing campaign. If you have been handed a list of individuals from another department, or if you have done additional work in Excel using a list originating from Core iQ, then this report is for you. Simply choose a piece of criteria to match upon, feed in a comma or line separated list, and generate your report. You can queue any template to this list, just like you would any other Actionable Report in Core iQ.

If you are a credit union who uses an account-centric core, then please be aware that matching on Member Number will not work for this report. You will most effectively be able to match on Account Number, Onovative ID, or Tax ID.

How do I use the Matching Customer Identifier Report?


To use this report, you first need to figure out which piece of criteria you will be matching upon. Within the Matching Customer/Member Identifier report, you have the following choices:

  • Customer/Member Number
  • Onovative ID
  • Tax ID
  • Core Deposit Account Number
  • Time Deposit Account Number
  • Loan Number
  • Safe Deposit Box Number
  • Name
  • Email Address

Each of these pieces of unique information can be fed into the box titled List of Identifiers, using either a comma or a line break to separate each item. Once you have loaded your list of identifiers, you can generate your report, and Core iQ will pull a direct list of whoever you input in this box.

This is a great tool to use when you are handed an external list of customers for a marketing campaign, but the list didn't originate from Core iQ. If you can get one of these pieces of identifying criteria, then you can pull that list directly in Core iQ and easily queue a template. No need to redo the list in Core iQ by attempting to match the criteria within another Actionable Report. This is also a great way to add back a list of people that you further refined using Excel. If you started with a list from, say, the Account Listing report and then filtered that list down even more within Excel using additional criteria, then you can simply copy the Customer/Member Number from one of the first columns of the Excel document, and feed it back into this report. The Matching Customer/Member Identifier report is a great fallback tool for queueing a campaign to any list of current customers/members using Core iQ.



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