How to View, Edit, Approve, and Reject Single Communications


In this article, we will be talking about the ‘Edit Communication’ screen, which allows you to view, modify, approve, reassign, and reject individual communications. We will explore the following topics:

  • How to get to the ‘Edit Communication’ screen from the My Workplan & History area
  • How to modify the single communication you are viewing, and then approve it to leave Core iQ
  • What other options and information are available to you within this screen

How do I get to the ‘Edit Communication’ area?


The easiest way to get to this area is to head to the My Workplan & History section of Core iQ, which can be found under the Communications menu. Here, you should be able to filter a list of various communications that have different statuses within the platform. This area is going to be of most use if the item has a NEW or PENDING APPROVAL status, as these have not left Core iQ yet. Once you have the communication you want to view and edit, you can click on the blue name of the single communication, and it will take you to the ‘Edit Communication’ screen.

Please be aware that if you make any edits to a queued item within this screen, that template's non-queued print/email alternative will not be used. We cannot carry over individual changes from, for example, a postcard template to its email alternative. Therefore, this feature is automatically disabled whenever any individual edits are made to a communication within this area.

What options do I have within the ‘Edit Communication’ section?


Within this area of the platform, you have a number of different outcomes that you can achieve, as well as various information that you can view relating to this single communication. When it comes to outcomes within this page, you can:

  • View the communication piece by using the Preview button in the left-hand navigation. This will give you an accurate representation of what the email or print piece should look like. We cannot take every email client view into account within this area, but this should be a fairly accurate representation of your email.
  • Edit the single communication before it leaves Core iQ by using the Edit Body/Letter Front/Postcard Front/Postcard Back button (depending on the communication type). This will bring you to an editing screen similar to the template builder in Core iQ. Here, you can make singular edits to the communication before it leaves Core iQ. These edits will only take effect with this one communication, and will not change the rest of the items queued with this template. Once you have made the edits you like, you can Approve the template to send it out of Core iQ.
  • Save the template for review later using the Save & Return Later button, which allows you to save the template with any edits you have made. You can come back to this template later to approve or reject it.
  • Submit the communication for processing using the Submit for Processing or the Approve & Process button. Both of these buttons achieve the same outcome of submitting the item to go out of Core iQ, but depending on the status of the item (NEW vs PENDING APPROVAL), the wording will be different.
  • Reject the item using the Reject & Don’t Process button, which keeps the item from leaving Core iQ until it is resubmitted. This button will only appear for Admins in Core iQ who are viewing items that are PENDING APPROVAL.
  • Reassign or reschedule the communication using the Reschedule and/or Reassign button. This allows you to queue up this item for someone else, therefore changing who is responsible (if NEW) and who appears within Banker merge fields. You can also reschedule the item to go out at a later time using this same button.
  • Remove the item completely from the queue using the Remove button. This will give the item a status of REMOVED BY EMPLOYEE, and is best used when you know that a communication should not leave Core iQ.

What information can I view within the ‘Edit Communications’ section?

You will also see within this section that there is information relating to this single communication. At the top of the screen is a section titled ‘What It Is’, which contains all the information relating to the template and why it queued for this customer. Next to that, you will see a section titled ‘Who It’s For’, which contains all the customer-level information relating to this communication. This includes who the item is queued for and what account it queued because of, as well as a Customer Number that links to the customer’s profile in Core iQ.

Below both of these sections, you will see the ‘Contact Info’ section, which has all the contact information presently available for this customer. This information doesn’t necessarily reflect what was present in Core iQ at the time that the item queued, but it accurately represents what is available now. If the item queued and failed because of a lack of an email address yesterday, but the email address is present today when you are viewing the piece, that most likely means that there was a delay in your core file that caused the failure. This section also shows you any contact preferences or exclusions that are present for this customer. If you see any yellow warning signs next to a phone number or email, that means there is a communication preference in effect for this customer.

Finally, you will see a ‘Notes’ section at the bottom of this entire screen. This is where Core iQ captures any internal notes relating to this communication. If there is a failure in sending an item or you are curious who originated the item, then you can find that information here. Core iQ will automatically record these notes as the item progresses through the platform, so you can always come back at a later time to see why a communication failed.

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