Learning the basics in Core iQ is essential to getting the most out of the system. The following track will provide an overview of the system. While, this learning Track will walk you through three main concepts in the system - automated communication plans, communication templates, and connecting them together.
We've also pulled our guidance on the Admin area of Core iQ, as well as our How-Tos to help you get started with reports in the system. At the bottom of this page, you will find a number of useful FAQ items relating to each of the main areas of Core iQ.
If you have any questions throughout this process, please do not hesitate to turn in a Support Request form through this platform. You can find more details on how to use this platform to submit and track support tickets by reading this article: How to Use our Support Platform
Marketing Strategy Call(s) - WebEx Sessions
The first thing that we will be going over in your Implementation process is the overarching strategy that will be the focus of your Go Live event. You will meet with one of our Client Marketing team members who will guide you through thinking about your priorities in Core iQ. You will discuss marketing strategies and product focuses with someone well versed in how Core iQ can help you market more effectively. The purpose of these calls is to get you thinking about how Core iQ will fit into your current marketing plan. Our Client Marketing team members will help you draft a plan for your starting set of audiences, schedules, and templates. These will be captured in a series of documents which will serve as our guardrails for the Core iQ Implementation process. Once we have these items determined, we will be better able to help you meet your Go Live criteria and date.
- Understand how to achieve your marketing goals in Core iQ.
- Plan and strategize regarding product focuses and marketing outcomes.
- Begin to draft your set of templates, audiences, and schedules for Go Live.
- Review the overarching plan for the Core iQ Implementation process.
- Bank & Credit Union Onboarding Schedule Examples
- Postcard Designs and Ideas for Core iQ
- Letter Designs and Ideas for Core iQ
- Onovative Bank Marketing Ideas and Best Practices
- Core iQ Video Overviews
- How to Create Email Images for Core iQ in Illustrator
- How to Create Email Images for Core iQ in Photoshop
- How to Create Letters/Postcards for Core iQ in Photoshop (Includes Print Guides)
- How to Create Letters/Postcards for Core iQ in Illustrator (Includes Print Guides)
- Begin thinking through and drafting your starting email/letter/postcard/phone script copy for use later in the Template Training call.
- Start to design and create your marketing collateral, if needed, for any postcards or letters. See previously listed print guides for assistance.
- Find and create email images, if needed, for any electronic items that may be needed. See previously listed articles for assistance.
Administrative Team Overview - 60-Min WebEx Training
Let's get to know the basics of Core iQ via the Admin Areas of our platform during this specialized walk through. The Admin Area is where you will manage users and settings throughout the system. We will review important settings and customization options for Core iQ that you may need over the coming months. This call is typically where certain IT Teams will want to be involved in training (if they will be maintaining certain features in Core iQ).
- Get familiar with the Admin Areas of Core iQ
- Gain an overview of important settings for IT and Admin users
- Better understand our Support workflow and where to find answers
Now it is time to finalize your Marketing Strategy document and begin drafting copy and images for your template work in Core iQ. Once we know what templates you'd like to use to get started in the platform, we will schedule our Template Training session.
Building Communication Templates - 60-90Min WebEx Training
Now that you've had time to talk through your Marketing Strategy, the next step is to develop the communication templates that will be assigned to audiences and schedules. You're able to send communications out from Core iQ across a variety of communication channels so there are a number of communication template types inside Core iQ. The goal of this WebEx training is to get you comfortable adding, modifying, and deleting templates on your own. We will specifically be focusing on the templates that you will need to build for your Go Live timeframe. So if you don't get training on a particular template type, that's OK. We have plenty of documentation on everything in Core iQ.
For this training, you will meet with one of our Template Specialists, who will walk you through the template types that you outlined in the document you received after the Marketing Strategy session(s). If you have rough drafts of your emails/letters/postcards/etc., then it will greatly improve this call.
- Understand Active vs. Inactive Templates and Template Library navigation
- Understand how to add, modify, and delete Templates in the Template Library
- Understand Core iQ’s Template Communication Categories
- Understand Core iQ’s Compliance Review workflow
- Build out initial Templates associated with Communication Plans
- How to Create Emails
- How to Create Postcards
- How to Create Letters
- How to Create and Manage Phone Calls
- Core iQ Template-Level Settings
- How to Create a Happy Birthday Postcard
- How to Create a New Customer Welcome Letter
- How to Create a Customer Satisfaction Survey
- How to Add an Email Alternative to Your Print Pieces (and vice versa)
- How to Create Letters/Postcards for Core iQ in Photoshop (Includes Print Guides)
- How to Create Letters/Postcards for Core iQ in Illustrator (Includes Print Guides)
- How to Create a Logo for Core iQ in Photoshop
- How to Create a Logo for Core iQ in Illustrator
Build out your templates in Core iQ.
- Continue to build out the templates needed for your communication plans, cross-sell priority matrix, or one-off campaigns. Every template should have the following:
- A correct Communications Category and unique template name
- The appropriate 'Customer Receives No More Than Once Within' setting
- Fully written copy
- All links and images correctly configured
- A Proof for Review submitted to Onovative
- For any appropriate email templates, a correct Approved print template is tied to the email.
- For Emails - double check your Subject Line, Sender Email Address, links, and merge fields in the Desktop and Mobile Preview areas.
Building Audiences & Communication Touch Points - 60-Min WebEx Training
During this training we will work through building out your audiences and schedules in Core iQ. You should have already worked with one of our Client Marketing team members to flesh out your marketing strategy and how you might seek to achieve those goals in Core iQ. You should have been provided with one or more documents outlining each of the audiences and schedules you will be targeting for your Go Live event. Here we will be reviewing those audiences, as well as everything you will need to know in order to build them. Once you learn how to build out your first few automated communication plans, you will have the skills and knowledge to be able to build additional audiences and communication plans as you see fit. If you're lost after this call, be sure to read at least the first three articles in this section, as they outline how to create your very first Core iQ schedule. After reviewing these articles, you should be able to:
- Define your initial audiences in Core iQ
- Create all touch points outlined in your Go Live schedule documents
- Create any cross-sell priorities and touch points
- How to Create an Audience Definition for a Core iQ Schedule
- How to Create a Communication Touch Point
- How to Set Up a Cross-Sell Priority Matrix
- Video Overview - How to Create Target Audiences & Communication Schedules
- How to Create a New Customer Audience & Communications Schedule
- How to Create an Automated Birthday Schedule
- How to Automate your CD Maturity Date & Renewal Notices
- How to Create an Account Closure Audience
Build out your communication plan(s) in Core iQ.
- All audiences will need to be correctly configured to follow your Marketing Strategy document. This includes:
- Appropriate name
- Correctly configured 'Who would you like to be a part of this audience?' section
- Any user-created additional criteria has been added
- Once your audience definition is completed, you will need to create all of your communications touch points. Every touch point should have the following:
- An accurate name and description (if necessary)
- A correctly configured Trigger Event and delay time
- The 'Generate 1 Regardless of Accounts...' toggle set to YES (unless otherwise noted)
- An Active or Inactive connected template. While it is best to connect Active templates, you can always connect an Inactive template that you are still working on.
- An appropriate Responsible Banker set for the template
- The correct Default Status set for the touch point (either Pending Approval or New)
- This will allow us to correctly QA your audiences, schedules, and templates during the next short call. Please be aware that we are unable to effectively handle the next call unless all of the above steps have been followed.
Reports Training and Communication QA - 60-Min WebEx Training
Reports are the best place to look for a better understanding of the data that Core iQ is ingesting on a nightly basis. That's why this WebEx training is focused on two different results: Getting you familiar with reporting in Core iQ, and helping you understand your core import and how it relates to queued communications. Now that Core iQ is receiving data from your core and ancillary data systems on a nightly basis, you can begin queueing up active templates in Core iQ. Don't worry, they won't be sent out of the system, as you're in TEST mode.
This WebEx session is meant to give you the tools to commit ongoing checks of your created communications against your core-level data coming into Core iQ. So, before the call, please make sure that you have attempted to connect as many of your Active templates to their related touch points as possible. This will help us to more easily begin queueing items for the Quality Assurance phase of our process.
- Answer any lingering questions around how to activate templates and how to connect active templates to communication plans or a cross-sell priority matrix
- Ensure that you are prepared to QA your communications against what you are seeing coming from your core into Core iQ.
- Get familiar with Actionable Reports for point-in-time campaigns
- View ways to find out what communications are queueing and leaving Core iQ
To connect an Active Template to a schedule touch point, you will need to edit each touch point and assign a template for all items that you want to have queue after you Go Live. On the individual communication touch point, you will see the option labeled Specify a Template to Use. Assign the correct template here, and ensure that the template is marked as 'Active' by navigating to that template and checking for a YES on the Template is Approved by Compliance & Active toggle.
As a refresher, you can always view these items:
- How to Create Target Audiences & Communication Schedules
- How to Set Up a Cross-Sell Priority Matrix
- Where can I find a list of the communications that Core iQ removed for a campaign or template?
- How to Use the Email Outcomes Report
- How to Use the Cross Sell Opportunity Report
- How to Use the Matching Customer/Member Identifier Report
- How to Find a List of all Customers using the Customer/Member Listing Report
- How to Convert a Report into a Campaign
- How to Use the Outbound Communications Status Area
- How to View, Edit, Approve, and Reject Single Communications
- How to Use the Workplan & History Area
Continue to monitor your communications in the platform and write down any issues that you encounter for future discussions during QA calls with our Data team.
- Review communications in the Outbound Communication Status area and spot check against audience definitions to ensure proper queuing
- Ensure merge fields in communication templates are populating accurately
- Log any errors you come across with our Support Team
Important FAQs for Core iQ
The importance is in the details. That's why we have answered these important Frequently Asked Questions regarding Core iQ. While this is not an exhaustive list of all the FAQs in our Help Center, this should help answer a lot of the smaller questions that you might have starting out in Core iQ.
- How do I log into Core iQ?
- What browser should I use to access Core iQ?
- How do I filter templates in the Design Library?
- Where can I see the individual communications a customer has received?
- What phrases can I use in the Core iQ account search box?
- Can I Approve/Reject/Reassign in bulk?
- Does Core iQ allow prospect list uploads and campaigns?
- What does 'Clear # Unprocessed' mean?
- How do I find out the time that a campaign is schedule to begin processing?
- Do I have to be behind my financial institution’s firewall to use Core iQ?
- How does Core iQ determine whether a customer is a Current or Past Relationship?
- Can I import a list of email opt-outs into Core iQ?
- Can I send test communications from Core iQ while in Implementations?
- How do I change an image or logo in a Core iQ email or postcard?
- What does Onovative check when Reviewing a template?
- How do I edit links in a Core iQ email?
- Does a user have to reach the end of a survey for responses to be reported?
- What are my email layout options in Core iQ?
- Can I add a video to the body of my email?
- Does Core iQ support attachments in emails?
- Can I send out a letter with multiple pages using Core iQ?
- Can I upload a custom letterhead to a single letter template?
- How do I edit my default social media links for the email footer?
- How do I see Email/SMS Unsubscribes?
- How long after implementation can I start sending email campaigns?
- What controls the sending email address for an email template?
- Can I make edits to a template after a campaign has queued?
- What are the different communication statuses in Core iQ?
- How do filters work on the Birthday Report?
- What are the Email Outcomes that Core iQ reports on?
- Are report end dates inclusive or exclusive?
- How do I allow my employees to turn reports into campaigns?
- What are UTM links and how do I use them?
- How do I stop a campaign from sending after it's queued?
- Why is my date field showing as 01/01/1900 or 12/31/9999 on a report?
- How do I block communications from being sent to those under 18?
- Can I turn off all charts for certain employees?
- Where can I see if employees are completing their calls/emails in Core iQ?
- What does the Supervisor dropdown do in the Employee Profile?
- Can I preview what my employees see in Core iQ?
- What do I need to do in Core iQ if any Employee leaves?
- What are the different Core iQ Employee permissions?
- Can I update a customer’s individual contact preferences?