How to Use the Audience Remarketing Feature

What is Audience Remarketing?

The Audience Remarketing feature (released with v2.7 of Core iQ) allows you to use event-based communication triggers to re-engage or continue engaging customers who have previously received emails or surveys. You can set automated follow-ups (phone calls, emails, surveys, post cards, or letters) based on the way your customers have interacted with your previous electronic communications, including:

  • Customer was sent email/survey and it was/it was not delivered.
  • Customer did/did not open previous email/survey.
  • Customer clicked a specific link in previous email/survey.
  • Customer answered question X on a previous survey with a response that equals Y.
  • Customer started survey.
  • Customer completed survey.

You can also choose the communication source for the previous communication:

  • Customer received previous email/survey as part of a selected Audience.
  • Customer received previous email/survey as part of a selected Campaign.

Additionally, Audience Remarketing provides forecasting capabilities, allowing you to see the number of customers who currently qualify and who have ever qualified for the remarketing audience you have created.

Each of these features is further detailed below.

Where can I find the Audience Remarketing feature?

Under the Communications menu, select Audience Remarketing.

How do I use Audience Remarketing?

Follow the steps below to (1) Create a New Remarketing Audience, (2) Add Rules, (3) Review Match Counts, and (4) Create Communication Touchpoints.

(1) Create a New Remarketing Audience

To create a new remarketing audience, under the Audience Remarketing area, click the green Create New Audience button located at the top right of your screen.


On the Audience Definition page, add Details, including the Name of your new remarketing audience, and (if desired) a Description.

The Is Active toggle indicates whether the audience should be actively sending out communications.

  • Keep this toggled Off if you are still editing the audience or do not yet want communications to go out from this audience
  • Turn this toggle On once your audience is completed and you are ready to start sending communications from this audience


(2) Add Rules

Under the Rules section, you will add statements to qualify customers for this remarketing audience. As outlined at the beginning of this article, these rules can include event-based triggers, as well as communication source triggers. Multiple rules can be added to each audience, and can be inclusive (AND statements) or exclusive (OR statements).

To add a new rule:

  1. Click the blue Add New Rule
  2. This will prompt you to select the template (email or survey) that the customer has previously received.
    1. Select this template in the drop-down: Individual was sent [Template Name] template
    2. You can scroll through the list of templates here, or start typing a template keyword in the drop-down box (“survey” or “NPS,” for instance)
  3. You can select when the customer initially received this template
    1. Click the blue "+On or after [date]” button to add a date filter and fill in the date
    2. If you do not want this date filter to apply, you can click the “X” in the white box to remove it
  4. Next, add in an event-based trigger, indicating how the customer interacted with the previous template. Event-based options are:
    1. Delivered (“It was” or “It was not”)
    2. Open (“Did” or "Did not”)
    3. Click (“Did”)
      1. When selecting Click, you must also indicate what URL the customer clicked on in that previous email/survey
      2. Click the blue +On button
      3. Select from the first drop-down a URL “that includes” or “that does not include”
      4. Type the specific URL or a keyword from the URL in the text boxAR_-_Click_URL.png
    4. Started Survey ("Did")
    5. Completed Survey ("Did")
    6. Answered Question (survey only)
      1. When selecting answered question, you must also indicate what question you would like to target.
  5. Add in additional rules by clicking on the blue Add New Rule button
  6. Delete rules by clicking the circled X to the right of each rule
  7. Add a communication source trigger, if desired, to indicate from which audience or campaign the customer received the previous template. Communication source options are:
    1. Audience
    2. Campaign
      1. Select the audience or campaign name from the drop-down after “Template associated with” “audience/campaign” “[Audience Name/Campaign Name]
      2. You can select from the list or start typing the name (or a keyword in the name) of the audience or campaign to find your selection
  8. If more than 1 rule has been added, you will have the option to select if ALL rules apply, or AT LEAST ONE rule applies. This will appear under the header Rules as a radio button.AR_-_Rules.png
  9. Once you have added rules for this audience, you can save by clicking the green Create Audience button at the top right of the screen.

(3) Active and Total Counts

A few moments after the remarketing audience is created, Counts will appear below the Details section.

  • Active Count: This is the count of all individuals who currently qualify for this audience, based on if they have met all of the Rules (set up in the previous step).
  • Total Count: This is the count of all individuals who have ever qualified for this audience, based on if they have met all of the Rules (set up in the previous step).


Clicking the blue View Qualifications link will open a list of Onovative IDs of all customers in the Active Count category.

(4) Add Communication Touchpoints

*Note: Communication Touchpoints CANNOT be created on a remarketing audience until Active/Total Counts have been updated, which should occur 5-15 minutes after the audience is created. Once these numbers appear, touchpoints may then be added to the audience.

After Active Count and Total Count numbers are available for the audience, create new communication touchpoints by navigating to the Communication Plan tab (to the right of the Definition tab).


To create a new communication touchpoint:

  1. Click the blue ‘+’ button to create a single touchpoint.
  2. Give the touchpoint a name (what it is/why it exists – for instance, “Two Week Follow-Up Phone Call”) in the Communication Name field
  3. Give the touchpoint a Description, if desired
  4. Select the Template you will use for this touchpoint from the Template dropdown
  5. Choose the Default Communication Status for this touchpoint:
    1. Reviewed And Approved: The communication will send immediately, once it is queued up
    2. Pending Admin Approval: The communication needs to be approved by a Core iQ System Administrator before it will be sent
    3. New: The communication will be assigned to the responsible employee for handling (normally used only for phone call script templates)
  6. Select the Responsible Banker for this communication (the active employee on whose behalf the communication will be sent)
  7. Enter the Timing for this communication (when it should be sent):
    1. Enter a number in the Timing field
    2. In the drop-down box, chose the applicable timing, after which this communication should be sent:
      1. Hours
      2. Days
      3. Weeks
      4. Months
      5. Years
  1. Set an Effective Date for this communication in ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ format
  2. Set an Expiration Date (if applicable) for this communication in ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ format (If this communication should run indefinitely, keep the Expiration Date as 12/31/99.)
  3. Must Have Active Qualification should be toggled On if the customer needs to currently qualify for this audience in order to receive this communication
  4. One Per (Customer/Member) should be toggled On if an individual should only receive one communication, regardless of if they qualify multiple times
  5. Click the blue Save button

Additional touchpoints can be added by clicking the blue ‘+’ again.

Touchpoints can be edited or deleted by clicking the green pencil icon in the top right of the touchpoint window.



Audience Remarketing Use Cases

Here are some ideas for how you can use Audience Remarketing to better target your customers:

  • If a customer does not open an email you have sent within 2 weeks, re-send the email to the customer.
  • If a customer responds negatively to an NPS survey, queue up a follow-up phone call from their banker for the day after they returned their negative score.
  • If a customer responds to a survey that they have had a positive experience, send an email with a link to leave a Google review for your financial institution.
  • If a customer clicks a link in an email to view current loan rates, send a loan rate promotion cross-sell offer to the customer one hour later.
  • If a customer responds to a Financial Needs Survey that they are interested in opening a line of credit in the next 3-6 months, send a HELOC offer postcard to the customer the following week.


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